Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

How Do We Measure Creativity?

Authors: Skylor Zhitian Zhang
Conference: 1st World Giftedness Center International Conference

Keywords: Creativity Measurement, Theoretical Approaches, Research-Based Approaches


Creativity is becoming increasingly important in modern society and education. But what is creativity and how do we measure it? In this workshop, the lecturer will provide an overview of various theoretical and research-based approaches to measuring creativity. Participants will learn about methods for measuring aspects of creativity including the creative person, creative product, and creative process. Moreover, the lecturer will also introduce the most commonly used creativity tests, and will provide examples as to how to select and apply suitable creativity tests for different research and education purposes. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will have a good understanding of different approaches, methods, and tests for assessing creativity, facilitating a better understanding of creativity research and for fostering creativity at home and at school

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