Published 2023-12-13
- Autism,
- Disorder,
- Early Intervention,
- Genetic Factors,
- Conditions
- Adaptive Skills ...More
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The primary research-based early intervention model for supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is early intensive behavioural intervention based on the principles of behaviour. The professional staff who implement this intervention require ongoing training, professional development, and supervision. Didactic approaches are commonly employed to train staff despite limited evidence to support their use. On the other hand, behavioural skills training (BST) has been successfully used to teach a range of trainees a variety of skills to staff to support the needs of individuals with ASD. Moreover, trainees seemingly value BST components. As such, BST represents a drastic departure from didactic training in both form and function. Knowledge of and proficiency implementing BST is important given the need to train personnel to competently perform assessment and intervention procedures. To this end, this presentation aims to provide an overview and description of each individual component of BST, the research base supporting the efficacy of BST, and implications for practice. Additionally, recommendations for training staff who work with individuals with ASD using BST and directions for future research are described.