Autism Challenges and Solutions

Complementary & Alternative Medicine in ASD - Camel Milk in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Results from Clinical Trial)

Autism Challenges and Solutions

منشور 2023-12-15

الكلمات المفتاحية

  • Autism,
  • Disorder,
  • Early Intervention,
  • Genetic Factors,
  • Conditions,
  • Adaptive Skills
  • ...أكثر

كيفية الاقتباس

Complementary & Alternative Medicine in ASD - Camel Milk in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Results from Clinical Trial). (2023). Autism Challenges and Solutions, 1(1).


The beneficial effect of the complementary & alternative medicine intervention (CAM) in the treatment of some diseases and improvement of quality of life is well documented. In Autism, CAM treatments claim to reduce the behavioral symptoms of ASD subjects and improve their ability to participate in a wide range of activities. However, there is no conclusive evidence supporting the efficacy of CAM intervention in ASD. At the Autism Research & Treatment Center we investigated the effect of CAM intervention in the treatment of the symptoms of ASD. Camel milk has unique properties that make it suitable as an interventional therapy for ASD. It contains essential vitamins, minerals ions, and immunoglobulins, providing the milk with antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Our clinical trial results demonstrated significant changes in several outcome measures on language production, social communication, activity of daily living, and irritability. It also confirmed that the consumption of camel milk helps in the reduction of oxidative stress via changes in the concentrations of antioxidant level. The results of this clinical trial will be discussed in detail.