Smart Mobility Solutions through Bike Sharing System Design: A Case Study of Jerash Archaeological Site
Intelligent transport systems, or ITS, are gaining significance in transportation planning due to its capacity to enhance traffic flow, reduce environmental impact. This paper offers a case study of the Jerash Archaeological Site in Jordan’s to planning and implementation of an ITS-enabled smart bike-sharing system. This system intends to assist tourists with a sustainable and environmentally friendly mode of transportation to the destination while also minimizing traffic congestion and air pollution. Smart bikes, wireless connectivity, and cloud-based data processing are combined in this technology to offer real-time information on bike availability, usage, and maintenance requirements. The article focuses into detail about the system’s framework, which covers both software and hardware components, as well as the execution and user experience. User feedback, performance, and environmental impact were used to evaluate the system in future. The resultsindicate that the ITS-enabled smart bike-sharing system has the potential to provide a sustainable and efficient transportation solution for visitors to the Jerash Archaeological Site while also reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. The paper discusses the potential for scaling the system to other tourist destinations in Jordan and beyond.
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