Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

The Theorie, Methods And Practice Of One Health

Author(s): Jakob Zinsstag

Conference: Dubai One Health Conference

Publication Date: 23 June, 2023

Keywords: One Health, Methods, Theory, Examples, Added Value, Game Theory


We Postulates One Health As The Added Value Of A Closer Cooperation Of Human And Animal Health In Terms Of Human And Animal Health And Wellbeing, Financial Savings And Environmental Services That Could Not Be Achieved If The Disciplines Work In Separation. We Validated OH By Demonstrating The Benefits Of Joint Human And Animal Health Services For Mobile Pastoralists In Chad, The Societal Benefits Of Livestock Brucellosis Vaccination For Public Health In Mongolia And The Advantage Of Dog Mass Vaccination To Eliminate Human Rabies. Based On Elinor Ostrom’s “Governing The Commons” We Propose That Freedom Of Disease In Its Non-Rivalrous And Non-Excludable Quality As A Common Good. This Is Demonstrated With Is Collaborators He Developed A Game Theory Of One Health And Validated It At The Example Of Rabies Elimination In Africa. A Close Cooperation Of African States Would Eliminate Rabies In Africa In Less Than 30 Years And Result In Large Human Capital Gains To The Gross Domestic Product. We Developed Novel Methods Assessing Human And Animal Health In The Same Time, Combining Epidemiology, Molecular Biology, Mathematics And Economics, Summarized In A Textbook, Which Is Translated Into French And Currently Into Mandarin. A Second Edition Has Been Published In 2020.

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