The slow adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology poses significant problems for the construction industry in the Middle East. The root causes of this issue are purported to include a lack of understanding of its benefits and the existence of barriers to its adoption. This study investigates the slow adoption of BIM technology in the Middle East to identify solutions to facilitate BIM adoption and approaches by which stakeholders can transform to utilizing BIM. The main objectives of this research are to: (1) examine the attitudes and readiness of construction stakeholders for BIM, (2) investigate the extent to which there is a lack of understanding of BIM benefits, (3) explore the barriers that hinder BIM adoption, and (4) identify the solutions recommended by the industry experts to promote BIM utilization. The study also compares the viewpoints of designers and contractors to identify potential differences. A questionnaire survey has been devised to gather data from stakeholder firms and experienced BIM professionals. The results revealed that the viewpoints of designers and contractors generally align, except when it comes to recognizing a few benefits such as the generation of accurate and consistent 2D drawings, achieving greater predictability in project time, enhancing communication among project stakeholders, minimizing change orders, and mitigating redesign issues. Similarly, there was a difference in recognizing a few barriers, namely, the lack of skilled personnel and the cost of training existing staff. Furthermore, the analysis led to the conclusion that the most notable advantage of BIM is improved conflict detection, and the most significant barrier is the lack of BIM training. The research culminated in offering recommendations for addressing the industry's BIM-related challenges. These suggestions encompassed raising awareness of BIM as a robust design and construction tool, supporting construction firms for adopting BIM techniques, and identifying methods to streamline the implementation process within these firms.
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