
Best Practice in Advocacy for Gifted Education in the UK

World Giftedness Center

Published 2023-11-25


  • Educational Context,
  • Co-Designing Services,
  • Empowering Young People

How to Cite

Best Practice in Advocacy for Gifted Education in the UK. (2023). 1st World Giftedness Center International Conference, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.54878/xhkhzy22


This presentation will consider the educational context within which advocacy for high potential learners takes place in the UK, given that it is in fact for different nations with varying education systems. We will focus on the approach taken by Potential Plus UK to work in partnership with schools and parents to improve the quality and provision of support for young people in both their education, and their social and emotional wellbeing. We will look at the advice and advocacy services required, the need to foster engagement and inclusion, and the good practice of co-designing services and communications to best meet a wide range of needs. In wider UK society there is frequently a perception that clever children will do well in education, regardless of circumstance. We will consider how Potential Plus UK works to strengthen parental and school advocacy and engage societal influencers to campaign for change to such stereotypes. the creation of a community of mutual support is of huge importance for our young people and their families. We will look at best practice in setting up and sustaining communities. Finally, we will look at our work to empower young people with high learning potential, so that they develop self-understanding and become their own best advocates.