مجلد 1 عدد 1 (2023): Emirati Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications

The potential of adopting Blockchain Technology with BIM Implementations in the Construction Industry Ecosystem

منشور 2023-07-30

الكلمات المفتاحية

  • Building Information Model,
  • Blockchain,
  • BIM Maturity,
  • Smart Contracts,
  • IFC,
  • Collaboration,
  • Trust
  • ...أكثر

كيفية الاقتباس

The potential of adopting Blockchain Technology with BIM Implementations in the Construction Industry Ecosystem. (2023). Emirati Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications, 1(1), 21-30. https://doi.org/10.54878/cxk30y98


Building Information Model (BIM) has been a mainstream concept within the Construction Industry for more than a decade. Countries are creating BIM Strategies to increase the performance of the industry as well as the governance, maturity and transparency. However, the industry has been known for its very dynamic ecosystem and a large number of dispute areas that make information validity very crucial as a key stone for any transformational initiative.

Blockchain, on the other hand, has been famous since introduced in 2008 with the promise of creating new norms within the Digital Economy, and unlocking the potential of other technologies and business models in many industries, however, it still in the very early stages of implementation and maturity in the industry. This paper reviews the potential of adopting Blockchain Technology with BIM concepts in the built environment. It defines the technology and review its key value proposition from BIM perspectives.


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