Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Emirati Journal of Education and Literature

The implementation of the sustainable development goals the level of education in Morocco.

Published 2024-02-27


  • sustainable development goals,
  • SDGS,
  • education,
  • Morocco,
  • implementation,
  • policies,
  • programs,
  • access,
  • quality,
  • equity,
  • initiatives,
  • partnerships,
  • teacher,
  • learners,
  • educational communities,
  • challenges,
  • progress,
  • good practices
  • ...More

How to Cite

The implementation of the sustainable development goals the level of education in Morocco. (2024). Emirati Journal of Education and Literature, 2(1), 4-22. https://doi.org/10.54878/k1k75867


Morocco is committed to achieving the sustainable development goals set by Un by 2030. Education is one of the key areas for the achievement of these objectives. This article presents a diagnostic study and evaluation of the implementation of the sustainable development goals at the level of education in Morocco.

The study was conducted using a mixed methods approach including surveys, interviews and document analyses. The results revealed that despite the efforts made by the moroccan government, challenges persist in the implementation of the sustainable development goals in the field of education.

Some of the key challenges identified include lack of financial resources, unequal access to education, quality of education, and the regional disparities. In addition, there is an urgent need to integrate the principles of sustainable development objectives in the curricula, the training of teachers and teaching practices.

On the basis of the results, the article proposes several recommendations to improve the implementation of the sustainable development goals at the level of education. This includes the strengthening of the financing and resources, the promotion of equal opportunities, the improvement of the quality of education and raising the awareness of key stakeholders.

In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of the implementation of the sustainable development goals in the field of education in Morocco. It highlights the current challenges and offers recommendations to strengthen the integration of sustainable development objectives in the moroccan educational system in order to achieve the goals set for 2030.


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